Folder tree

How to use the searches folder tree

The folder tree displays the available search folders. The folders are containers that help you organize your searches. The tree always contains the My searches, the Saved queries, and the Trash folder. You can also create your own folders, for example to organize your searches by project.

Folders can be nested, and they can be rearranged by dragging and dropping with the mouse. They can also be copied (Ctrl+C), cut (Ctrl+X), and pasted (Ctrl+V).

The tree view is automatically sorted by folder name, with the following exceptions:

  • The My searches folder always appears at the top;
  • The Saved queries folder always appears immediately below My searches;
  • The Trash folder always appears last.

If you right-click on any of the folders in the tree view, a popup menu appears with the following commands.

Command Description Shortcut
New Folder Creates a new query folder under the current folder.  
New Crossref Search Creates a new Crossref search. It will be placed in the currently selected folder.  
New Google Scholar
Creates a new Google Scholar search. It will be placed in the currently selected folder.  
New Google Scholar
Profile Search
Creates a new Google Scholar Profile search. It will be placed in the currently selected folder.  
New Microsoft
Academic Search
Creates a new Microsoft Academic search. It will be placed in the currently selected folder.  
New Scopus Search Creates a new Scopus search. It will be placed in the currently selected folder.  
New Web of
Science Search
Creates a new Web of Science search. It will be placed in the currently selected folder.  
Import External
Imports external data into Publish or Perish. This command is currently only partially implemented and only supports CSV data that was previously exported from Publish or Perish and RefMan/RIS data that was exported from the ISI Web of Science.  
Export to Archive... Exports the contents of the selected folder and all its subfolders to a Publish or Perish archive, for safekeeping or transfer to another computer.  

Copies the currently selected folder to the clipboard and delete it from its current position. You can then paste it into a different folder.

The deleted folder is moved to the Trash folder rather than deleted outright, unless the folder is already in the Trash folder; then it will be permanently deleted.

Copy Copies the currently selected folder to the clipboard. You can then paste it into a different folder. Ctrl+C
Paste Pastes the folder or query on the clipboard into the current folder. Ctrl+V

Deletes the currently selected folder. If you delete a folder, all queries in it are also deleted.

  • If you use this command on a folder in the Trash folder, then the removal of the folder is permanent; you will be asked to confirm the deletion in that case.
  • If you use this command on a folder not in the Trash folder, then the selected folder will be moved to the Trash folder without further ado. If you want to restore it, you can retrieve the folder from the Trash folder and drag & drop it to a regular folder.
Empty Trash Permanently removes all contents from the Trash folder. Be careful if you use this command; once deleted, the previous contents of the Trash folder cannot be retrieved. (You can, however, re-create the queries and rely on the Publish or Perish cache to quickly retrieve the previous results.)  
Rename Allows in-place editing of the folder name. Some folders, such as the Recent queries folder, cannot be renamed.  

My searches folder

The My searches folder is always the top folder in the folder tree. It is the default destination for new queries. You can leave the queries where they are, drag & drop them to another folder, copy or cut them to the Windows clipboard, or just delete them.

Saved queries folder

The Saved queries folder is always the second folder in the folder tree. It is used as a holding area for queries that are no longer very recent but that you may wish to revisit at some point. Queries are automatically moved from the My searches folder to the Saved queries folder after they reach a preset age. You can change the age threshold in the Preferences: Results dialog box, reached through the View > Preferences command on the main menu.

If queries in the Saved queries folder are older than a second age threshold, they are automatically moved to the Trash folder.

Trash folder

The Trash folder is always the last folder in the folder tree. It receives all searches and other folders that you delete elsewhere in the folder tree, just like the Windows Recycle Bin or the Mac OS X Trash. In addition, it also receives queries that are older than the maximum age for the Saved queries folder.

With the introduction of the Trash folder, the behavior of the Delete and Cut commands has changed somewhat:

  • If you use these commands on a folder or query in the Trash folder, then the removal of the items is permanent; you will be asked to confirm the deletion in that case (only for the Delete command; the Cut command will place a copy of the item on the clipboard and then delete the original outright).
  • If you use these commands on a folder or query not in the Trash folder, then the selected item(s) will be moved to the Trash folder without further ado. If you want to restore them, you can retrieve them from the Trash folder and drag & drop them to a regular folder. (The Cut command will in addition leave a copy of the item(s) on the clipboard.)

If queries in the Trash folder are older than a preset age, they are automatically deleted permanently. You can change this preset age in the Preferences: Results dialog box, reached through the View > Preferences command on the main menu.